Saturday, June 16, 2012

Life in Homs

In here you’ll read exactly what I’ve experienced on Thursday, June 14th, 2012.

I woke up at 5 AM after three hours of “sleep”, checked if there’s nearby shooting or shelling, got dressed then went out to the bakery. I found 11 people in front of me, and an hour later there were more than 100 behind me. At 7:16 it finally was my turn. I bought $1 worth of bread (We’re not allowed to buy more) and went home.

At 8 AM, I was done with the bread (preparing it and putting it in the freezer to keep it fresh), and then I had breakfast.

8:30 AM, I watched the news, got depressed and went back to bed (Since I don’t have a business to go to, because it’s been closed for over a year now, like most other businesses in Homs, but that’s a story for another time). In bed I tried to check my email and twitter but I found out that 3G and GPRS aren’t working. I don’t have ADSL at home so I have no internet connection now. No big deal, I’m used to it. But unlike the previous six days we have fresh water since morning.

12:30 PM, I got up, went out to buy vegetables which can’t be found easily, and as I was walking, I heard noise, and then a security forces’ vehicle passed by, followed by a tank, then a pickup truck with a huge machine gun (Shilka), I then went to a street where there’s more than one store and found most of them closed.

I went inside an open store and started collecting the things I need, only to be interrupted by the same vehicles once again passing right by me, and that’s when I quickly turned my Smartphone’s camera on and filmed the tank passing by without them noticing.

Seconds later, the Shilka started shooting and it was only 5 meters away from me. I was inside the store so I lied down on the floor next to the salesman. The glass shattered and the goods started falling from the shelves on us because the entire place was shaking badly.

Fire paused for a couple of seconds and that allowed us to crawl to another section of the store that has a wall to hide behind and a sink. The Shilka started shooting again and this time three bullets hit the store’s front. We ducked behind the wall waiting for what’s coming next.

At that moment, surprisingly, I wasn’t afraid. I actually felt like it’s the ending of me and was somewhat relieved. As a Homsi, I made peace with death a long time ago.

The Shilka kept on shooting for a few more seconds, so I decided to film that too, in case I made it out alive, but that’s when my phone started ringing. My mom called me and she was scared since she could hear the horrible shooting sounds as my house wasn’t far away. I told her I was on my way and that I’m okay. She called again seconds later as the Shilka was shooting and she heard the sounds from the call and was very worried so I had to yell at her saying “Leave me alone now!” then I hung up.
The salesman called his family and told them not to come down since his house wasn’t far away either.

Shooting stopped and we heard the vehicles moving, so we sneaked outside and saw that they were gone. I paid the salesman and he handed me some of what’s left of my money when we heard the vehicles coming back towards us again. We ran to the back of the store once more but this time the salesman was fast enough to close the main door half way down. I doubt that the door will actually matter since it’s thin and the Shilka bullets are huge.

Shooting started seconds later and it kept going for a few minutes. Then they left again.

We went out and saw a couple of Security forces officers, we waved at them and asked if we can go, and they said yes. The salesman told me he was leaving the neighborhood and not coming back, and wanted to give me the money he owed me when the vehicles came back once more and we instantly decided to run before they arrive. So I ran towards a nearby street without my money, and went home.

On the street where the Shilka was, I saw hundreds of empty shells, and they were really big, more than 10 centimeters each. I really wanted to pick one up as I was walking right next to them but the officers were watching me and the vehicles were heading my way so I didn’t.

Red Crescent volunteers were moving aids to a store, and most of them ran away when the shooting started, but one was left behind, and a Shilka bullet hit the street and a shred of it injured his foot. I didn’t see this myself as I was inside another store, but his brother is a friend of mine and told me what happened.

As I was walking home, many families were packing their stuff in their cars and fleeing the neighborhood. Many left the area in the past week, and only a few are still living here. Some of them asked me if they can use the street I came from and I said no and told them to be careful.

I arrived home at 1:30 PM, and found both of my parents standing on the balcony waiting for me, and that drove me insane more than what I just came from. Our balcony has been shot so many times before, and I have a collection of bullets from it. It’s filled with holes and even my AC was shot a while back.

I went up and we had a really bad fight, and I did most of the yelling if not all.

My mother told me that when she heard the shooting and I told her to leave me alone, she was so scared she couldn’t think straight anymore. She found herself going out the balcony hoping to see me without thinking about her personal safety. My dad followed her and they both stayed out there until I came back.

I was very harsh with them because all I could think about is their safety. I told them that what they did was very wrong and stupid, and they agreed. We yelled for about 30 minutes, which is a common thing these days since we’re all so stressed and sad from the situation we live in.

As we were arguing and fighting, we heard the tank shooting. That’s when we all stopped shouting and smiled at each other.

I said something I never thought I’d say. I said “One of those tank shells might hit our house and kill us all, let’s not go while we’re fighting and shouting at each other”.
We calmed down, said some nice things, and I went in to write this before I forget any details, and to show them the video I took.

The tank kept firing for a while then we saw it leaving the area with another security forces’ vehicle (A blue jeep like vehicle) around 2 PM.

A bunch of walking security forces members came and started shooting randomly for a few minutes then left without hurting anyone, then at 2:30 PM all that’s left is the sniper gunshots we hear every few seconds.

For the record: I here swear that I saw no Free Syrian Army members or any armed civilians anywhere near my area in months, and when the shooting happened there was no firing back and no attacks. There were no UN observers, and no reporters to cover what happened. There wasn’t even a demo or any kind of protest. There was only a tank, a Shilka, a security forces’ vehicle, some officers and many armed security forces members wearing uniforms shooting at houses and streets filled with us, unarmed, peaceful civilians, and most of them were like me, shopping.

I wonder what kind of story the regime’s media would tell if I was killed there. They’ll probably blame the “armed gangs” like they’ve been doing for months. Or maybe they’ll say I was a terrorist and was about to blow myself up somewhere and they stopped me from executing my evil plan. They might replace the sack of potatoes I had with some explosives before they take a picture of me, or place a hand gun in my shorts and a couple of dollars.

2:40 PM, I am typing this and we lost electricity. Good thing I’m on my laptop. I’ll save this file and go rest. It’s a very hot day here today, and I hope electricity will come back soon to turn the AC back on.

Electricity came back then was gone again, twice. We had to turn the AC off so it won’t get affected.
3:15 PM, a tank rushed into the main Ghouta street and started shooting at 3:17 PM.
10 tank shells were fired in 6 minutes, and counting.

4:00 PM, I counted 18 tank shells including the 10 I just mentioned, and once again only sniper gunfire can be heard, many of them.

Streets are empty and stores are closed.

I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich. Yeah, no diet when one might get killed any minute.
Sounds of explosions in Qusoor and Khaldieh never stopped since early morning. Actually they didn’t really stop since early June. Black smoke clouds are seen very clearly from my window. I don’t take pictures anymore as I have hundreds already.

I saw a tank leaving my neighborhood at 4:45, then sounds of tank shelling came from where that tank left.

One of my neighbors who left a week ago came by to check his house, I talked to him and he made me realize something. Explosions and tank shelling break glass windows because of the air pressure, and it’s not easy to get a glass window replaced these days so I opened all the glass windows we have a little so they move open in case of high pressure instead of getting shattered.

6:12 PM, a big explosion happened not very far away and caused our windows to open slightly. That means my theory was proven correct. I learned so many things in the past 16 months. Not pretty things, but things that I need to survive.

6:15 PM, I looked outside my window and saw many armed security forces walking around my street, talking, laughing, and from time to time shooting in the air.

After dinner, and exactly at 8:50 PM, I decided to bake some brownies (After facing death, you gotta have brownies), but as I was mixing the ingredients, we lost electricity for the fourth time today, but it only lasted 20 minutes or so, and a while later my brownies were good to go.
Security forces left my street and it was a calm night in my neighborhood for a change, except for the sniper bullets of course.

12:30 AM, After watching 3 episodes of The Simpsons while eating brownies, I checked my internet connection and it was still not working, so I set the alarm to 5 AM and went to bed, hoping that tomorrow won’t be as horrific as today.

12:52 AM, my sleeping plan got ruined when a security forces vehicle showed up in my calm empty street and started shooting randomly, and that awoke the sniper up and he started shooting every few seconds as well.
1 AM, I decided to ignore the sounds and try to get some sleep because my new day starts in less than 4 hours in the line for bread.

1:30 AM, my sleep gets interrupted again with a phone call from Inshaat, they asked if there’s anything happening near my house because they’re hearing some very awful sounds coming from my area, we told them that the sounds are coming from Qusoor and Khaldieh.

1:50 AM, the explosions sounds became much louder and more frequent. Security forces are now back in my area but they’re just standing there without shooting.

2:30 AM, the sounds of missiles being launched from nearby towards Khaldieh have become so much louder and my house is shaking with every explosion. The sniper is active as well.
That’s when I disabled the 5 O’clock alarm because I doubt I’ll get any sleep at all tonight.

2:52 AM, I saw a light in the sky like lightning then a huge explosion happened, followed by heavy gunfire for a couple of minutes.

3:20 AM, Security forces leave my street, while the attack on Khaldieh and other areas continues.
4:15 AM, a different security forces vehicle shows up and stays for a while in my neighborhood.
That’s when sleep finally got to me and when I woke up the vehicle was gone but the shelling on other neighborhood didn’t stop till Friday afternoon.

This is the day that I lived today. It wasn’t all bad, but it was bad enough. Not every day is similar to this one, some days are better and some are much worse. I hope you got a glimpse of the kind of life we live here in Homs, and I hope you appreciate the little things in your life because you don’t know when they might go away.

  • Shilka is a weapon made to defend areas against air force attacks, but is used against people. The bullet can go through a wall, or a metal door.
  • The timing of the events is very accurate, give or take up to two minutes maximum.
  • I have personally experienced all the events and I am responsible for the accuracy.
  • I decided not to write about a thing or two because they might affect my safety because they show the exact location of my house.
  • The few hours of disturbed sleep is really all the sleep we can get, and this has been going on since early February 2012.


  1. I just wanted you to know that Syria is not alone and you have many, many people in the West who are transfixed and outraged by the horror we see on bambuser, Youtube and twitter.

    So many of us feel powerless as we watch our leaders forced into playing out the sham that is the Annan plan because of Russia and China's intransigence.

    I hope and pray for the tipping point soon(and yet I also dread it because of the sheer barbarity of the act that might trigger it).

    You and your fellow Syrians are in my thoughts for most of the day, every day. The only useful thing I feel I can do (apart from donations to relief funds) is let you know we are on your side.

    With best wishes from London.


    PS: If your back pain is in the mid-to lower section and is a dull ache (as if it is seizing up) a trick that will do no harm and might bring relief is to stand with your back straight against a wall so that both shoulder blades are touching it. This will straighten and slightly open up your spine without pressurising it. If this doesn't cause further pain do it for five/ten minute periods every hour or so. [physio for everything from slipped disc to trapped nerve - it won't cure but it can't harm.]

    1. Thank you for reading and caring, and for the prayers. We sure could use them.

      My back is much better thank you as I saw a doctor few days ago.

  2. Salam,

    I hope you're doing well, I follow you on Twitter, and only have a glimpse of what you go through everyday. Is there anything concrete you want from someone who is outside? Is there anything we can do for you?

    1. Thank you, but I doubt there's anything anyone can do to help. It's sad but true.

  3. before the revolution began, i could not find syria on a map. now i educate myself and others every day about syria. i'm very sorry that progress has been slow, and that my country (USA) has not acted decisively against the tyrant. i am working harder now. i let live streams run for hours to keep the situation in my mind. of course you don't need internet to hear that. your message is reaching us and we are staying in the fight.

    1. Thank you so much! I am really impressed by people like you. This gives me hope in humanity.

  4. Description of a single day of your life is worth all the news about the events in Syria. I would like the government who does this war, and who silently agree with it lived a few days like you and feel every day as the last. I live in Russia and my friend in Homs, I shudder to think that he could be killed and my country closes its eyes. When the revolution began I was happy and proud of the Syrians for their desire for freedom. Now sorry about that not only because this war has separated me from a loved one and I live in fear every day, but also because many of those killed and injured too high a price for freedom. I really want to believe that they were not in vain Martyr. Take care of yourself please take care of your family and continue to write, until you write I hope that my friend is alive, too.

    1. Thank you Mary. It's great to see that Russian people are with us in heart despite what the Russian government is doing.
      We sometimes say bad things about Russia but we all mean the government and those who send weapons and support the terrorist regime here in Syria and not the Russian people. Like in Iran, we love the people but dislike the dictators.
      I hope your friend is alive and well too.

  5. hello
    I find your written account of one fucking day in Holms very moving. I made a french translation for my fb friends...I hope you don't mind ? & also that today was okay for your .

    1. Thank you so much! Can I get the translation to share it on my page as well?

  6. As a German, I consider this land my second home. A lot of people may think of Syria as just an other "arab" country. If one has been there you know that its absolutly unique, and the people are by far the most generous, kind and caring. Homsis are known for being smart and clever since the famous story of their behaviour when the Mongols tried to invade their city goes. I am an extreme optimist, there will be a free Syria, a Syria freed from this horrible family. I hope that one day your account will be in a schoolbook, and we all should have the time to mourn over those who could not see the end happen.

    1. Thank you. Syria will be free no doubt but the price is just too high. I am an optimist in general, but when seeing the things I see, one can't get his hopes up. Ah. Again, thank you.

  7. i have always, ALWAYS wanted to go to Syria to learn Qur'anic Arabic. i wanted to go so bad i did all the research and found a school even, and that was a only a few years ago but i didn't have the means just yet. i have heard soooo many good things about Syrian people and it breaks my heart for all that is happening now.
    please don't give up or lose hope, we are all with you. this cannot go on for long, and the tyrant will soon go down.
    i truly truly hope that one day i will make it onto the blessed Syrian soil, with freedom smelling so sweet in the air.

    keep on writing please,
    let us know what is really going on, and let us know if you're alright. let us know if there are anything specific you would want us to do or spread. by any means, stay safe big al.

    1. Thanks a lot for reading and I do hope you get to visit Syria once it's free. The rebuilding will sure take some time and you could help us :)

    2. definitely, insyaAllah! by all means, i'll be there! *^-^*

      thank you for replying, i hope that you are well and continue to be, despite the harsh condition you are forced to adapt to. our prayers are with you at all times. i know with the reality around you it is hard to get your hopes up, but maybe there is room for patience. vent out your frustrations if you need to, we'll be here to read them, spread the awareness, make a push on the social sites.
      hang on big al, rainy days never stays, it must stop some time. please stay safe.

    3. This is my Russian translation attempt. It was difficult and I did not find a Russian to check for faults, but it should be understandable. Good luck with the revolution and rebuilding. Reguards Trond from Norway

      все ошибки, сделанные в переводе

  8. Жизнь в Хомсе

    Здесь вы будете читать именно то, что Я пережил на Четверг, 14 июня 2012.

    Я проснулся в 5 часов утра после трех часов "сна", проверил, есть ли поблизости стрельбa или обстрел, оделся, и вышел на хлебобулочные изделия. Был 11 человек передо мной, и через час были более чем в 100 позади меня. В 7:16, наконец, пришла моя очередь. Я купил за $ 1 стоит хлеб (Мы не разрешается покупать больше) и пошел домой.

    В 8 утра, я подготовил хлеб и положил его в морозильник, чтобы сохранить его свежим, а потом я позавтракал.

    8:30, я смотрел новости, впал в депрессию и пошел спать (Так как я не имеют работы, потому что мой бизнес был закрыт уже больше года теперь, как и большинство других предприятий в Хомсе, (но это история, которую я мог бы сказать в другом случае). в постели я пытался проверить свою электронную почту и Twitter, но я узнала, что 3G и GPRS не работает. у меня нет ADSL в доме поэтому у меня нет подключения к Интернету в настоящее время. ничего страшного , я привык к нему. Но в отличие от предыдущих шести дни у нас проточной водой с утра.

  9. 12:30, я встал, пошел, чтобы купить овощи, которые не могут быть легко найдена, и, как я шел, я услышал шум, а затем силы безопасности автомобиль проходил мимо, затем Танк, а также пикап с огромным пулеметом (Шилка), я пошел на улицу, где есть больше чем один магазин и обнаружили, большинство из них закрыты.

    Я пошел в открытый магазин и начал собирать вещи мне нужно, но был нарушен теми же транспортными средствами вновь проходящий рядом со мной, и вот, когда я быстро включил камеру моего смартфона и сняли танк проходя мимо меня, незаметно.

    Секунды спустя Шилка начали стрелять, и только в 5 метрах от меня. Я был в магазине, поэтому я лег на пол рядом с продавцом.Стекла разбиты и товары начали падать с полок на нас, потому что все места трясло сильно.

    Стрельба паузу на пару секунд, что позволило нам ползти в другой части магазина, который имеет стена прикрыться и раковиной.Шилка начали стрелять снова и на этот раз три пули попали фронта магазина. Мы нырнули за стеной ждет, что произойдет дальше. В тот момент, что удивительно, я не боялся. Я действительно чувствовал, что это окончание моей жизни, и почувствовала облегчение. Потому что я из Хомса, я понял, что смерть есть возможность уже давно.

  10. Шилка продолжил стрельбу на несколько секунд, поэтому я решил снимать это тоже, в случае я выжил, но это, когда мой телефон начал звонить. Моя мама позвонила мне, и она испугалась, так как она слышала ужасные звуки стрельбы, как мой дом был не за горами. Я сказал ей, что я прихожу домой, и что я в порядке. Она позвонила снова секунд спустя, когда выстрел Шилка и она услышала звуки на звонок и очень волновался, так что мне пришлось кричать на нее "Оставьте меня в покое сейчас!", То я повесил трубку.
    Продавец назвал свою семью и сказал, чтобы не дошло, так как его дом был не за горами тоже.

    Стрельба остановились, и мы услышали транспортных средств, движущихся, так что мы пробрались на улицу и увидел, что они исчезли. Я заплатил продавцу, и он дал мне немного из того , что осталось из моих денег, когда мы услышали автомобилей возвращаются к нам снова. Мы побежали обратно в магазин еще раз, но на этот раз продавец был достаточно быстр, чтобы почти закрыть входную дверь. Я сомневаюсь, что дверь будет на самом деле имеет значение, так как это тонкий и Шилка пули огромна.

    Стрельба начались секунд позже, и это продолжалось в течение нескольких минут. Потом они ушли снова.

  11. Мы вышли и увидели пару безопасности сил офицеры, мы махнули на них и спросил, можем ли мы идти, и они ответили утвердительно.Продавец сказал мне, что уезжает по соседству и не вернется, и хотел дать мне деньги, которые он обязан мне, когда транспортные средства вернулись еще раз, и мы сразу же решили провести, прежде чем они прибудут. Так что я побежал к соседней улице без моих денег, и пошел домой.

    На улице, где Шилка был, я видел сотни пустых капсулы снарядов, и они были очень большими, более чем на 10 сантиметров каждый. Я действительно хотел, чтобы забрать один, как я шел рядом с ними, но офицеры смотрели на меня и транспортных средств, шли ко мне, поэтому я этого не сделал.

    Добровольцы Красного Полумесяца перевозить Лека́рственные сре́дства в магазин, и большинство из них убежали, когда началась стрельба, но 1 осталась позади, шрапнель из Шилки повредил себе ногу. Я не видел это сам, как я был в другой магазин, но его брат мой друг и сказал мне, что случилось.

    Когда я шел домой, многие семьи паковали вещи в свои машины и бежали по соседству. Многие покинули этот район на прошлой неделе, и лишь немногие до сих пор живут здесь. Некоторые из них спросил меня, если они могут использовать улице я пришел, и я сказал нет, и сказал им, чтобы быть осторожным.

    Я приехал домой в 1:30, и обнаружили, как мои родители стояли на балконе ожидания для меня, и сошел
    с ума больше, чем раньше. Наш балкон был застрелен так много раз, и у меня есть коллекция пуль от нее. Он наполнен отверстия и даже мой кондиционер попал некоторое время назад.

    1. Я подошел и у нас был очень плохой Спор, и я сделал большую часть кричать, если не все.

      Моя мать сказала мне, что когда она услышала стрельбу, и я сказал ей, чтобы оставить меня в покое, она была так напугана, она не могла думать. Она вышла на балкон в надежде увидеть меня, не думая о своей личной безопасности. Мой отец последовал за ней, и они оба оставались там, пока я не вернулась.

      Я была очень суровой с ними, потому что я мог думать только о своей безопасности. Я сказал им, что они делали, было очень плохо и глупо, и они согласились. Мы кричали в течение 30 минут, что является обычным явлением в эти дни, так как мы все так и грустно, потому что ситуации в жизни.

      Когда мы спорили, мы услышали стрельбу танка. Вот когда мы все перестали кричать и улыбнулись друг другу.

      Я сказал то, что я никогда не думал, что я я бы сказал . Я сказал: "Один из них танковых снарядов может попасть наш дом и убить всех нас, давайте не будем умирать, пока мы спорили и кричали друг на друга".
      Мы успокоились, сказал несколько хороших слов друг друга, и я пошел чтобы писать это пока я не забыл никаких подробностей, и, чтобы показать им видео я снял.

      Танк продолжал стрелять на время, то мы увидели, что выходя из области с другой силы безопасности транспортного средства (синий джип, как транспортное средство) около 2 часов.

      Некоторые сил безопасности членов пришли пешком и начали беспорядочную стрельбу в течение нескольких минут, после чего оставил без вреда никому, то в 2:30 все, что осталось, это выстрелы снайперов мы слышим каждые несколько секунд.

      Для справки: я здесь, клянусь, что я не видел Свободную армию Сирии и или членами любых вооруженных гражданских лиц в любом ближайшем моем районе за несколько месяцев, и когда стрельбa произошло не былоответный огонь и не нападения. Существовали нет наблюдателей ООН, а не журналистам рассказать, что произошло. Существовал даже не демо или любой протест. Существовал только танк, Шилка, сил безопасности транспортного средства, некоторые офицеры и много вооруженных сил безопасности членов униформе стреляли в дома и улицы, заполненные с нами, безоружных, мирных граждан, и большинство из них были как меня, шопинг.

  12. Интересно, какая история медиа режима скажет, если бы я погиб. Они, наверное, виноваты «вооруженной банды», как они делали в течение нескольких месяцев. Или, может быть, они будут говорить, что я был террористом и собирался взорвать себя где-нибудь, и они остановили меня от исполнения моего коварного плана. Они могут переключаться мешок картошки у меня с некоторых взрывчатых веществ, прежде чем сфотографировать меня, или поставить пистолет на мои шорты и пару долларов.

    14:40 я печатаю это, и мы потеряли электроэнергии. Хорошо, что я на моем ноутбуке. Я сохраню этот файл и пойти отдохнуть. Это очень жаркий день, сегодня здесь, и я надеюсь, что электричество скоро вернется, чтобы включить кондиционер снова.

    Электроэнергия была включена тогда выключилось еще дважды. Нам пришлось отключить кондиционер, так что не будут затронуты.
    15:15, танк бросился на главную Ghouta улицу и начал стрелять в 3:17 вечера.
    10 из танковых орудий были уволены в течение первых 6 минут.

    16:00, я насчитал 18 танковых орудий, включая 10-я только что говорил, и еще раз только выстрелы снайперов можно услышать, многие из них.

    Улицы пусты, магазины закрыты.

    Я сделал себе бутерброд с сыром на гриле. Да, не диета, когда можно было бы убить в любую минуту.
    Звуки взрывов в Qusoor и Khaldieh никогда не останавливается, так как рано утром. На самом деле они действительно не остановить, так как в начале июня. Черные тучи дыма видны очень ясно из моего окна. Я не снимать больше, как у меня уже сотни.

  13. Это тот день, когда я жил сегодня. Это было не все так плохо, но это было достаточно плохо. Не каждый день похож на этот, несколько дней лучше, а некоторые из них намного хуже. Я надеюсь, вы получили некоторое представление о той жизни, мы живем здесь, в Хомсе, и я надеюсь, что вы цените мелочи в своей жизни, потому что вы не знаете, когда они могли бы исчезнуть.


    Шилка это оружие сделано для защиты области от атак военно-воздушные силы, но используется против людей. Пуля может пройти через стену, или металлическую дверь.
    Время события очень точно, плюс-минус до двух минут максимум.
    Я лично пережил все события, и я несу ответственность за точность.
    Я решил не писать про одну или две события , поскольку они могут повлиять на мою безопасность, потому что они показывают точное местоположение моего дома.
    Несколько часов нарушенного сна на самом деле все спят, мы можем получить, и это продолжается уже с начала февраля 2012 года.

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  15. Big Al,

    Since I read your account on CNN I've been thinking how fortunate I am and how much we all take for granted. I pray that somehow peace will come your way. I know it doesn't look good, holding on to the cooking, your family, and knowing many other countries seem to have come out on the other side. Your generation has been so brave to fight for what you believed in but you have paid such a price. It's understandable that your parents didn't choose this route. I feel like here in NY my problems are miniscule in comparison and my thought are with you. It's so different seeing it on the news (not that it's not disturbing) then hearing a real person's account. I don't understand how this dictator enjoys all the freedoms for his own family but it doesn't translate for the rest of his countrymen. It's incredibly horrific, also to think you know what might be in someone's heart and to have hope to have it shattered and discover he's a monster. Find some peace in that so many people are thinking about you.

    1. Thank you for caring. This really means a lot to me

  16. Although I see the reports how rebels kill civilians:

    Is it true that under the mask of fighting with Syrian regime the rebels kill Christians as well?

    1. It shouldn't matter the religion, innocent civilians should not be targeted.

    2. When shelling begins, rockets doesn't really know if who will they kill are Muslims or Christians. Some of my Christian friends were killed by Assad's forces for supporting the revolution or taking pics. Basel Shehade for example.

  17. Dear Al, Salam,

    Thank you very much for writing. I've always wanted to get into a day in the life of a person living this revolution that is revolutionizing revolutions...if that makes sense. I'm sure, soon, your work will be published as a classic autobiography that will be read in history courses in years to come.

    May Allah protect you and your family. I hope your mom does not wait for you on the balcony anymore. Hopefully this will be over soon and we'll meet over some Homsi brownies under a Shilka- and bullet-free sky :)

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