Thursday, November 17, 2011

The demands of Syrian Freedom Fighters.

In the past eight months, we’ve all heard the leaders of almost every country of the world say that what the Syrian people are demanding in their peaceful demonstrations is justified and fair. We even heard that being said by the leaders of Russia, China and Iran. After making this statement they added their wish for the Syrian regime to make the wishes of the people in the streets come true by doing all the needed political and economical reformations.
Now, I believe that the Russian, Chinese, and Iranian leaders have some really bad interpreters, because they obviously misunderstood what the people in the streets are saying, for I haven’t heard not one protestor asking for any type of political or economical reformation in the past seven months.
Let me translate what the people REALLY are saying in the daily demos here in Syria.
In the past four months, their most frequent demands are:
1-      Freedom.  حرية للأبد  غصب عنك يا أسد الله سوريا حرية و بس
2-      International observers and media to come to Syria and witness the viciousness of the regime and help stop the massacre. الشعب يريد حماية دولية – شكرا للجزيرة , العربية الخ
3-      Empty the streets of the killing machines (Military and security forces’ vehicles and persons).سحب الجيش من المدن – لا حوار مع الدبابات – لا حوار مع القصف الخ 
4-      Freeze Syria’s membership in the Arab League. (Partially done) الشعب يريد تجميد العضوية – جمعة تجميد العضوية
5-      No Fly Zone over Syria. الشعب يريد حظر جوي – جمعة الحظر الجوي
6-      Free the political prisoners. أطلقوا سراح الأسرى - الحرية لأسرانا
7-      Overthrowing the regime and Bashar Assad. الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام – السوري يرفع ايدو بشار ما منريدو – مافي حوار ارحل بشار
8-      And the most popular demand of all: Executing Bashar Assad. الشعب يريد اعدام الرئيس – الشعب يريد اعدام بشار

Now before that, and for three months, the demands were a bit different, like so:
1-      Freedom. الله سوريا حرية و بس – حرية حرية, اسلام و مسيحية , سنة و شيعة و علوية
2-      STOP KILLING US! أوقفوا القتل - لا حوار مع القتلة – أوقفوا قتل الأطفال 
3-      Free the political prisoners. الحرية لأسرانا
4-      Help Homs, Hama, Dara, Latakia, Der Alzour, Idleb, and all the cities that are being attacked. يا (حمص-درعا-حماه-دوما-الخ) حنا معاكي للموت – حيوا (حمص-حماه-الخ) حيينا
5-      Send Maher Assad and his men to jail or to Golan Heights to free them. يا ماهر يا جبان خود كلابك عالجولان – الجولان من هنا – هذه حمص و ليست الجولان الخ
6-      Overthrowing the regime.   الشعب يريد اسقاط النظام

How about we go to the early beginning? In the first month people demanded one thing and one thing only: FREEDOM. الله سوريا حرية و بس
Now if the Russian, Chinese and Iranian leaders want to stick to their statements and ask the regime to execute the people’s wishes, then they should ask Assad to step down, and do whatever it takes to help make it happen. But if they want to take back what they said many times about our demands being fair, then that makes them a bunch of pussies that care not about anything but their own agendas even if that means the death of thousands more of the Syrian people.
I personally believe that those leaders don’t really give a f*** about us, and that their only concern is to have an ally like Bashar Assad who would do whatever they say no matter what the Syrians want, and that makes them the same as him. They’re no better than the dictators we’re fighting.
I hope Russia, and China get their spring soon, and get rid of those no good leaders of theirs, and I sure hope the Iranian people will rise again and kick their dictators out. They tried in 2009 and failed after a bloodbath in the streets of Tehran, I hope the next try won’t take long, and won’t leave as many casualties.
I am Syrian. I want freedom, for me, and for everybody else.

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